Second Chance for
Women and Children Inc.
About Us
Who We Are
We are a non-profit organization that offers resources and services to single women and their children. Our founder, Tammy Millard, has been working in homeless services for many years. She was inspired to start this nonprofit to make a difference and continue her passion for helping those in need. Our objective is to enhance the lives of underserved people while serving the community.
Why It Matters:
The lack of services in the community and county calls for actions that focus on stabilizing homeless individuals for the future, rather than just housing them for a short period and sending them back into the same situation they came from.
The solution to homelessness is not just to give someone a place to sleep for a night or a week. It involves finding long-term solutions to a problem that has persisted for far too long, such as providing a safe, stable housing foundation.
The homeless population needs resources, training, and skills to not only make it through a day or a month after being housed, but to move forward and secure their own housing. This is the ultimate goal that SCWC is fighting for. Placing band-aids on a problem that keeps resurfacing is not a sustainable solution; the homeless cycle must be broken.
This is why the Transitional Housing program is critical because it provides a homeless mother and her children with the opportunity to stay temporarily in a safe and secure housing environment for two years. During their stay, they are provided with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient and provide for their family.

Our Mission
Is to provide safe housing for homeless women and children, along with skills and resources needed for self-sufficiency.

Our Goals
- Is to provide community outreach support through essential resources and services.
- Is to provide safe, secure, and permanent housing for every homeless woman and child.

“Helping One Day At A Time”
Give a helping hand to those in need!

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